Content | HySpex VS-1200
The HySpex VS-1200 hyperspectral camera is developed for airborne applications requiring extreme resolution in both VNIR and SWIR spectral regions.
The HySpex VS-1200 is a novel high-resolution instrument designed for airborne applications at altitudes greater than 400m.
The camera produces the highest scientific grade level data, commercially available, having FWHM less than 1.2 pixels spatially and less than 1.5 pixels spectrally. The combined VNIR-SWIR cube has coregistration errors, and smile and keystone of less than 10% of a pixel.
With 40 degrees FOV, the camera is ideal for mapping large areas with high accuracy and resolution.
The camera is delivered with an integrated high-performance IMU/GPS and data acquisition unit with removable storage bays as a standard. Existing navigation systems can also be integrated/utilized.
A standard passive damping solution is included as a part of the default delivery package, but mounting plates for active damping solutions, such as GSM4000 or PAV80 can be supplied. | HySpex Baldur V-1024 N
Baldur V-1024 N covers the full VNIR spectral range from 400-1000nm and is configurable within one octave in the same range.
All Baldur cameras are Nyquist cameras giving a spectral resolution of 2 spectral bands while capturing 4 times as much light as the classic systems. To ensure that the most information per framerate is provided, the spectral resolution is kept very close to 2 bands. Additionally, the spatial resolution of Baldur V-1024 N is better than 1.7 pixels, yielding a very sharp camera. | HySpex VNIR-1800
The HySpex VNIR-1800 hyperspectral camera is developed for field, laboratory, and airborne applications.
HySpex VNIR-1800 utilizes a cutting edge actively cooled and stabilized scientific CMOS detector. This makes VNIR-1800 the ideal camera for high-end data acquisitions where high radiometric accuracy is required. The dynamic range of 20 000 ensures outstanding SNR levels even in darker areas of an image of highly dynamic scenes. With a max frame rate of 260 fps, combined with aberration-corrected optics and high optical throughput (f/2.5), HySpex VNIR-1800 offers a unique combination of
data quality, high speed, and sensitivity. A wide range of close-up lenses allows the use of the camera at working distances ranging from a few centimeters with a spatial resolution of 24 ?m to infinity e.g. airborne remote sensing. | Specim AFX17
Specim AFX17 is a NIR hyperspectral imaging solution with an HSI camera, a compact and powerful computer, and a high-end GNSS/IMU unit in a compact enclosure that can be installed on multiple drone types. | HySpex Baldur S-384 N
Baldur S-384 N covers the spectral range from 960-2500 nm.
All Baldur cameras are Nyquist cameras giving a spectral resolution of 2 spectral bands while capturing 4 times as much light as the classic systems. To ensure that the most information per framerate is provided, the spectral resolution is kept very close to 2 bands. Additionally, the spatial resolution of Baldur S-384 N is better than 1.5 pixels, yielding a very sharp camera. | HySpex VNIR-3000 N
HySpex VNIR-3000 N is developed for field, laboratory, and airborne applications.
HySpex VNIR-3000 N utilizes the same spectrograph as the other classical HySpex VNIR models. With a pixel size of 3.45?m, compared to 6. 5?m for VNIR-1800, HySpex VNIR-3000 N will have less than 1.6 pixels per FWHM of the PSF spatially and less than 1.8 bands spectrally, ensuring that narrow band features will be resolved equally for all cameras. With 3000 spatial pixels, 300 bands and a noise floor of 2.4e-, HySpex VNIR-3000N will provide outstanding SNR levels in dark environments.
The camera is offered with a USB connection, allowing camera operation from any computer and reducing the cost of supplementing equipment. To visualize that the camera has a wider PSF per pixel and band relative to our normal extremely sharp cameras, we have added an N for Nyquist to the model name. |
Description | | Spectral Range = 400-800/485-960/400-1000 nm
Spatial pixels = 1024
Spectral bands = 72/88/106
Max speed* = 1000/800/700 fps
Spectral sampling = 5.5 nm
Spectral FWHM <2 bands?
Spatial FWHM < 1.7 pixels
Keystone <15% of a pixel
Smile <15% of band
FOV = 16? / 40?
Bit resolution = 12
Noise floor = 11e
Peak SNR >286
Dynamic range = 2560
ROI* = 8 independent ROIs
Dimensions (l-w-h) = 316 - 105 - 153 mm
Camera Interface = CameraLink
* Reducing the number of spectral channels with ROI will proportionally increase the max framerate | Spectral range = 400 - 1000 nm
Spatial pixels = 1800
Spectral channels = 186
Spectral sampling = 3.26 nm
FOV* = 17?
Pixel FOV across/along* = 0.16/0.32 mrad
Bit resolution = 16 bit
Noise floor = 2.4 e-
Dynamic range = 20000
Peak SNR (at full resolution) > 255
Max speed (at full resolution) = 260 fps
Power consumption = 30 W
Dimensions (l-w-h) = 39 - 9.9 - 15 cm
Weight = 5.0 kg
Camera Interface = CameraLink
*Can be doubled with FOV expander | Spectral Range = 900 - 1700 nm
Spectral sampling = 3.5 nm
Spectral resolution = 8.0 nm
Fore lens focal length = 18 mm
Field of view = 38 deg
F/# = 1.7
Spectral bands = 224 Binned by 2
Spatial pixels = 640
Spectral binning options = 1, 2, 4, 8
Spatial binning options = 1, 2
Multiple ROI = User-selectable
Maximum frame rate = 670 fps, Full frame
Dynamic range = 3400
SNR = 1200:1 Binned by 1 spectrally, 1 spatially
Power input = 10-30 VDC Use the supplied battery or drone/gimbal power
Power consumption = 24 W, Typical
Connectors = ANT, DC IN, ETH GPS Antenna, Power In, Web UI / Data download
Storage temperature = -20 ? +50C
Operating temperature = +5 ? +40C
Relative humidity = 5 - 90 %, Non-condensing
Drone options = Multirotor with gimbal/Multirotor, no gimbal/Fixed Wing UAV. Any drone with adequate payload capacity can be used
Gimbal = Optimized for MoVI pro. Other suitable gimbals may also be used
Gimbal weight = 2.2 - 2.7 kg ,Typical gimbal solution
Operating height = 50 - 150 m. Typical, local limitations apply
GNSS/IMU = Trimble APX-15
GPS Antenna = Trimble AV 14
Internal Memory = 512GB SSD
Dimensions (W x H x L) = 131 x 152 x 202 mm
Weight (without gimbal) = 2.4 kg
Weight (with gimbal = 5.1 kg. Typical gimbal solution | Spectral Range = 960 - 2500nm
Spectral bands = 288
Max speed* = 500 fps
Spectral sampling = 5.45 nm
Spectral FWHM <2 bands
Spatial FWHM <1.3 pixels
Spatial pixels = 384
Keystone <15% of a pixel
Smile <15% of band
FOV = 16? / 40?
Bit resolution = 16 bit
Noise floor = 150 e-
Peak SNR >1100
Dynamic range = 7500
ROI* = All bands can be selected/deselected individually
External trigger options LVDS, 5V/12V/24V TTL
Dimensions (l-w-h) = 368 - 131 - 175 mm
Camera Interface = CameraLink
* Reducing the number of spectral channels with ROI will proportionally increase the max framerate | Spectral range = 400 - 1000 nm
Spatial pixels = 3000
Spectral channels = 300
Spectral sampling = 2.0 nm
FOV* = 16?
Pixel FOV across/along* = 0.096/0.32 mrad
Bit resolution = 12 bit
Noise floor = 2.37 e-
Dynamic range = 11000
Peak SNR (at full resolution) > 170
Max speed (at full resolution) = 117 fps
Power consumption = 30 W
Dimensions (l-w-h) = 39 - 9.9- 15 cm
Weight = 5.0 kg
Camera Interface = USB3
*Can be doubled with FOV expander |
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